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Fri. Feb 7, 2025, 11:00 am.
From the neglect of not visiting Sylvia Coles in bflo .. to the joy of discovering a good GO TO breakfast .. cranberry pumpkin seed bread .. at HALF the proce of almond croissant!
This horoscope reminds me I often CATASTROPHIZE! NO! do not do it. Especially working TOGETHER we can give each other hope and see SO MANY POSSIBILITIES sharing/trading our skills to make a BETTER "ORDER SYSTEM"!
Pisces - Fri Feb 21, 2025:
"When our phone/computer/tablet doesn't behave in the usual way, or the washing machine starts eating our socks, our relationship to the item in question changes. We can't trust it to perform. We expect more problems. Even a small sign of trouble is enough to make us worry that it's going to let us down. In your world, you're growing increasingly apprehensive about the behaviour of someone (or something) you rely on. This weekend brings reassurance. It was a temporary blip. Things are going back to normal. Phew." Thanks Jonathon Cainer
Fri. Feb. 7, 2025, 12:30 pm.
Unless we do this, just go BLANK .. we will not survive the chaos and confusion of "why can't things work BETTER!??" 😱
YIKES .. so I too have become GUILTY of onion shell demonizing! BUT! only because I spent a lifetime agonizing all these things so I desrve to say .. this is BAD. But forgetting the good of it is ALSO BAD. I have become so in hatred of the bad of digital .. that I forgot yto ENJOY the WONDER of my writing 25 books I can CHANGE at any time and DISTRIBUTE at any time! Hah .. for Tik Tok brains I must remember to take the B F 2.0 short ideas .. and make them video! We can BOYCOTT but may harm ourself, eh? ONCE again MODERATION and the one who HATES extreme also falls into it. What a confusing world!
OPEN our mind to MORE. Yes we are so overwhelmed from OVERLOAD, that CLOSING our MIND to more .. is a SURVIVAL TACTIC!! (Plus our toxic soup of "progress" ATE our BRAIN!
Do you want to take control of your finances and achieve financial freedom? My financial coaching services can help you create a budget, pay off debt, and build wealth for the future.
but less HARMED .. Our Human Family and home would be less SICK and full of TOXIC poisons and cancers and viruses! I cannot get my house clean or bills paid but I can run circles around you MULTI THINKING of questions to find better solutions! Multitask? I will RUN AWAY! So never forget as I claim GENIUS .. I am a loser in day to day life! Had Ex not conned me into teaching (my own fault) I would be a homeless old never made it rock star in NYC.
wed. Feb. 12, 2025, 9:30 pm.
REDO .. NCIS Origins .. a mouse built a shelter .. it was home
Someone destroyed it .. but all the friends came together .. beginning and end of the show ?
this needs separate spot near beginning home page!
so confusing! AMERICA is not the world, but I guess we feel the "world " is what we SEE around us. There are countries that still are NORMAL .. full of REAL Humans living NATURAL Lives, connected and caring! Trouble is America and its convenience society influenced far too much of the world. Especially putting toxins in air and water. Do you realize Icelandic children drink our forever chemicals form plastics IN THEIR WATER! I guess this is why I think it is only a matter of time and America's arrogant entitlement will destroy humans too. We already destroyed the environment!
Tues. Feb. 25, 2025, 8:30 am.
AWESOME are the Grandma and friends and the fellow who BEGAN this idea .. THANK YOU So MUCH! Recognize across the atmosphere .. it is people like him that make UP OUR GOOD Humanity!! Hmm .. I am smiling so BIG reminded of seeing this last nite. Se these sorts of things to cheer us! Focus on THEM! No energy wasted on the selfish shallow jerks. They are just LOUDER but in no way the GOOD human Masses! Let's focus on the quiet "WE the PEOPLE" and create our new "WIN/WIN Order SYSTEM for the quiet GOOD Humans.
So 2 realities always exist! us worriers just need to stay FOCUSED only on OTHERS LIKE US! Sorry .. I do zero good like this .. but I HOPE once we start my new ORDER SYSTEM we will help people 100 ways and times to return all I never did while waiting to distribute my idea for its good.
These people do good every day. I worked every day to do a broader good .. I hope it can make up for the WE good I never had time for. I was always focused on big picture US. No wonder I am alwys depressed! Without ACTION Brain and with no SELLING, I will just have given up any care for "ME/MINE" for ZERO return! Waste! entire life a WASTE! Hah .. I just solved my own depression .. but of course we provide DRUGS instead, never finding CAUSE. OK .. I am going to be CONFIDENT in finding my expertise and talent. It MUST be shared I MUST sell it!!
see Depression 2.0 disagreement below. not edited
Fri Feb 21, 2025, 5:30 pm. from Rachel #11 This is from back in normal HOPEFUL times now GONE! We will not survive the STUPIDITY of today's society .. this insane binary demonization! But we can create a NEW Human Family/Home and stick TOGETHER!🥰
"Every single person in society plays a role. We’re all interconnected with each other in millions of ways. When you lose one member of your community, those thoughts, ideas, experiences, and love that they shared go away with it. When someone we love dies, a part of that was tied to them dies with them. So, if you’re looking for reasons to live, staying alive as long as you can to keep the world whole is a pretty selfless reason. We need you.
We need to hear about that funny joke you read last night that you'll share with your friends. We need that pep talk that you’ll be giving as soon as you overcome this, because one day we’ll be going through what you’re facing right now. We need your perspective on this problem that we’re trying to solve at work that we just can’t figure out. We need your love, kindness, hope, and compassion because even though you sometimes make mistakes, you’ve got so much love in you to share with the world. Please don’t rob us of that."
I offer personalized coaching to help you unlock your full potential. We will work on your self-awareness, mindset, and emotional intelligence to help you overcome limiting beliefs and achieve your dreams.
H S Kids in a fabulous Hyatt singing National Anthem
So awesome because it equalss REAL humans CONNECTING .. especially informally no law or rule or invitation
I offer relationship coaching services to help you improve your relationships with others. We will work on your communication skills, empathy, and conflict resolution strategies to help you build healthy and fulfilling relationships.
I can help you manage stress and anxiety through coaching and mindfulness techniques. We will work together to identify your stress triggers and develop coping strategies to help you achieve a more balanced and peaceful life.
Join my group coaching program and connect with other individuals who are on a journey to achieve their full potential. Together, we will support and inspire each other to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.
Sun. Feb. 16, 2025, 8:30 am
dogs used to find home 1000's miles!! no drone needed!!
Are you struggling to communicate with your partner or find a healthy work-life balance? My relationship coaching services can help you improve your communication skills and find the balance you need to build a strong and healthy relationship.
Are you neglecting your own needs and feeling burnt out? My self-care coaching services can help you prioritize self-care and develop a sustainable self-care routine that works for you.
Do you struggle with negative self-talk or limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching your full potential? My mindset coaching services can help you identify and shift your limiting beliefs and develop a growth mindset.
Are you struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle or reach your fitness goals? My fitness coaching services can help you develop a sustainable fitness routine and build healthy habits that stick.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by stress and struggling to manage it effectively? My stress management coaching services can help you develop coping strategies and build resilience to stress.
does this tell me if anybody ACTUALLY came? I have NOTHING to do with advertising etc. Feb 9, 2025 3:00 pm