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Tues. Feb. 18, 2025, 9:00 am.
We have become a society of TAKE. We either GIVE nothing just TAKE because we are greedy and losing our HUMAN. Or .. we are so stressed just to survive we can not even THINK past "me". Our Life as a REAL Human is made up of 3 or 6 LIFE LEDGERS .. WE/US, Time/Space, and me/ mine. Note ME is last and NOT capitalized. NORMAL Humans think FIRST of doing no harm to or HUMAN Family and Home! Our selfish shallow MORE society focuses only on SELF which should be the LAST consideration before acting. OR .. at least do not ACT or DO until you consider the common and greater good!
Our New system has everyone CONTRIBUTE .. but everyone receives a FAIR basic life in return. Our HUMAN Stock market .. value exchange means we have insurance to be cared for because we put MORE in our human stock market than we take out. That leaves us freee not to worry when it is our turn to take MORE. Always give more to our exchange and the accumulated interest is there for our use. BUT .. when we are looking out for each other .. FAR LESS GOES WRONG. Yes .. harder than focus on self .. but way, way better PAY BACK.
WE contribute
Mon. Feb 24, 2025, 8:15 pm.
Education should FIRST help us find what we are great at! My life has been hell because maybe I was a Philosopher type? Always so many questions why life did not just WORK BETTER?! I never even knew what that REALLY was until recently! Imagine how much good I could have done discussing my questions with Like Minds instead of feeling NOT NORMAL and hating the selfish world.
Most people who are great at something (for me collecting and connecting what creates Total Human Health) KNOW as a young kid what they can do 18 hrs per day unpaid because they are FASCINATED by it. But often no one NOTICES or ENCOURAGES them! I think my family was Left brain "Doers"? so "Dreamer me" was just a weirdo compared to other humans! I have no skill in knowing what you are good at but I surely fid people who are AWESOME to help people feel VALUED and respected .. and that would solve most the problems in the world! See PA Hospital Shooting.
When we each share and trade our SPECIAL talents, our HUMAN Stock market EXCHANGE constantly increases and never crashes. We have constant REAL Human Value to exchange in order to improve Quality of LIFE! Everything works smoothly since we all are contributing AND receiving FAIRLY. No oe is really ANGRY or sad because we all support each other. Unlike today where we have forgotten what the common or greater good even means! Let alone forego "me!mine, here, now!" sole focus .. instead HUMAN Life ledgers of "WE/US!", Time (past, cause and future consequence) plus Space (far and cosmos).
The Grandma Stand NYC (10 pm feb 24,2025)
Grandma retired from teaching at 75! Bored and lonely
Everybody needs a grandma .. so they created a booth and chair where you sit and chat. Now we just have to get MEN to feel they are not weak to want a grandma chat. I hate how even Wme's lib was TWISTED. I expected it to ALSO be fair to me. OH NO .. why do you think men now hate women .. they got greedy and one sided. It could have ben FAIR Human! But this too was no doubt PROPGANDA .. since I know lots of great women. On TV they are made to seem like selfish bitches. SURE! Divide us .. make us hate each other .. we can NOT get together and REVOLT .. a brilliant plan when you are EVIL or a ZOMBIE .. not human
Another great way to INCREASE our HUMAN Stock market value!
Mon. Feb 17, 2025, 7:45 pm.
People who are treated FAIRLY with respect and responsibility for our HUMAN Family and HOME .. behave as GOOD Humans., civil and decent We get "bad humans" when we CREATE THEM thru injustice. Injustice breeds RAGE or despair that also kills .. but just the self. Instead of police and jails why not jobs finding TRUTH connecting ALL the facts instead of HALF which creates LIES. Then we can create jobs in calculating the FAIR. The most GOOD for the most, the least HARM for the least. Look what we have done wit the opposite focus! With a (Left Brain ACTION) greed for Profit, power and prestige .. we have destroyed our home, the physical health four HUMSN Family and now we have destroyed our BRAIN .. which is what MAKES us HUMAN. A MINDLES (thoughtless) Heartless being is heading toward ZOMBIE. TOO many of us are already zombies. WE have a HUGE job .. but together each RESPONSIBLE .. we can do it! If we simplify and accept LESS 100% our life can be BETTER. Stress, loss of ORDER .. replaced by confusion and chaos, loss of Trust and HOPE can never provide any quality of life. Simpler but more calm, working TOGETHER to find the TRUTH, so all can be treated with FAIR DECENCY surely is better than the MORE! extreme! that we have today.
Here is exactly what is happening in America Today. Pretty Scarry to read this TRUMP History. Especially when I was in NYC the day he was first voted in. The energy and spirit of NYC had so clearly vanished it was mind blowing to FEEL. My respect for NYC already great grew 10X. Trump and the West Side.
Tues. Feb. 18, 2025, 10:30 am.
If we were using MY FAIR ORDER system G.O.D. Dictator! We all contribute! We are a human family and this is our HOME. we work together or DIE alone! nature just showed us WHO IS BOSS!
Collecting and CONNECTING ideas and info .. especially opposing ideas lets us get closer to TRUTH! Just having had a great "discussion" by text with an OPPOSITE side human, I realize EVERYTHING is a lie! How did the RIGHT get so entrenched with seeing SOCIALISM as evil. Like I said I do not even know what "socialism" is .. I think it is you can be a Capitalist .. just be FAIR. Help out those not as fortunate. I think that got TWISTED by Left brain WARRIORS into "why should I help you. You should have worked harder."
WHOA! So cool .. my longest (Republican snarling at Biden) friend, just called and we ended up speaking this very topic! My friend is very kind (puts up with my WASTING money on a biz 25 + years in the making) yet she said "I won't help poor .. they just wasted their $" So what happens is in Left brain Warrior Doers they NEED to simplify! Too much like all those onto layers gets confusing so they grab 1 layer of the onion shell and RUN with it. They MUST close their mind to survive. Maybe SEFISH is the ones grabbing the crackle shell, while SHALLOW grab the skin .. a little more FAIR to the human family. But REAL Life needs going into the onion layers to get to its HEART where the truth and a FAIR solution lies.
does this tell me if anybody ACTUALLY came? I have NOTHING to do with advertising etc. Feb 9, 2025 3:00 pm