Mon. Feb 17, 2025, 11:00 am.
C to the 3rd power, minus D to the 5th power =ZERO .. 0 ... 0-0-0- .. no I in this binary, just 00's which is NOTHING. But then Zombies think life is "YES! NO!" 0 or 1. NO! Life is GRAY, not black OR white! It requires THINKING to find Truth and calculate the FAIR for the most and HARM for the least! But we got too lazy for that hard work .. or at least the selfish shallow among us did. Keep your STUPID Binary coding simple .. our mind in BINARY will kill us! Yes / No (0 or 1) has ONLY created Digital DYSTOPIA and the DESTRUCTION of HUMANITY. Sorry but if you think we have created a GOOD quality of life for REAL HUMANS with our love for "special" and "MORE!" .. this is NOT your community. You will be sent to Mars with Bezos. 👿
All REAL Humans will probably not see another US president elected. (Never mind this DICTATOR may never give up POWER!) We REAL THINKING HUmans will probably not see 2030) Thinking worried people will not be able to withstand the stress of this confusion and chaos. Stress creates more than physical illness and death. This is stress on STEROIDS and is destroying our brain along with the screens that made us oblivious. How are we allowing AMERICAN "DUMB-ocracy" to be LOST in front of our eyes? The Founding Fathers spirits are HORRIFIED. They wanted a SYSTEM for "WE the People" not merely a greedy "winner take all" same old Power and Control System !! 😱 This destruction of REAL HUMANS is so horrifying, we need a stupid emoji break, to keep us going!
The theory of EVERYTHING Human, or Tesla's 3/6/9 "answer to everything .. TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH" DISCOVERY can be simplified into C3-D5 = ZERO, NOTHING! A digital DYSTOPIA is the DESTRUCTION of HUMANITY and the CIVILIZATIONS we REAL Humans produced. Are most of us just ZOMBIES. Selfish and SHALLOW leads to GREEDY and STUPID! Are half of American just GREEDY and STUPID? "Me! mine, here and now" can begin as just stressed trying to survive. But when everyone QUITS THINKING onlyRUIN can result. Hopefully we THINKERS are the quiet ones uncomfotable with the screaming world we live in. Hopefully we are actually the MASSES and together we may still be able to stop the COLLAPSE of COVILIZATION. The fact there is not mass OUTCRY AT THE STUPIDITY or INSANITY we see .. is most terrifying of all. Please let's work together to build this LIFE Work DESIGNING a better system .. understanding what has gone wrong. world end. God means taking NO RESPONSIBILITY . yes the world will end when god gets sick of our selfish IRRESPONSIBLE LAZINESS! And I hope "religious" people do NOT get into heaven!! 👿 They are often the selfish SHALLOW beings, not REAL Humans, caring only for "ME!mine here, now!"
The simple version of 69 years of questioning and research why we are so STUPID (nothing works!) .. is that a decent FAIR ORDER SYSTEM that actually SUCCEEDS requires C3. To succeed in ANYTHING takes these 3 C words 😂
- CONNECTING .. all must CONNECT, all things, people, ideas and systems
- COMMUNITY .. all Humans must feel they are part of a CONNECTED FAMILY to manage their shared FAMILY HOME with careful respect and responsibility.
- COMPROMISE .. there can be NO SUCCESS unless TRUTH and FAIRNESS is the basis of the CONNECTED COMMUNITY of TRUTH and FAIRNESS.
C3 is the ONLY way for a system, tribe or even BUSINESS to TRULY succeed.
Instead we have removed or deleted C3 and replaced it MINDLESSLY with D 5. Toxins of our "progress" have made us BRAINLESS .. mindless Thoughtless and HEARTLESS in our desire ONLY for profit power and prestige. Shallow selfish beings become ZOMBIES.
- DISCONNECT ideas! Here is where TRUTH gets lost. 1/2 "facts" are LIES! Lies also break up our HUMAN FAMILY CONNECTION. Human is really BASED on connection of EVERYTHING to a natural NORMAL system. Yes! Normal exists!
All those D's? = EVIL .. = D-evil .. eveil DEVILS especially NOW! The POWER that CONTROLS us is D -evil! NOT at all what the Founding Fathers dreamed and HOPED FOR.
D x 5 is the formula for the COLLAPSE of HUMAN Society. Brain dead selfish shallow gone greedy and STUPID! (inability to connect ALL facts, to find closer to REAL TRUTH) STUPID! on STEROIDS is just a mindless zombie. We are such stressed shallow SHEEP we never even noticed the Apocolype is HERE. We are IN "the end times". Unaware paying no ATTENTION to anything but our phones we let our HUMANITY slip away! Luckily I have watched toxins eat Torontonians brains so they are going from uncivil to inhuman! Fight then on the street for your share of sidewalk and you will see what I mean. This was not true in Phila or NYC! They do not have Redpath sugar FUMES downtown. We even gave SUGAR BEACH! .. were the image above was taken. Yes we are the ATMOSPHERE, and too many of us are selfish and shallow plastic versions of aREAL Human that cares about the common and greater good .. not ONLY the SELF.
CONNECTING all things, people, ideas and system