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Feb. 28, 2025, 9:30 pm
7 decades of questioning, research and development have finally discovered the THEORY of EVERYTHING .. TOTAL Human Health. or Tesla's 3/6/9 .. the ANSWER to everything. Once we patent the formula diagram, we can build and license a whole new UNIVERSITY Program that pulls together all we need for a BETTER quality of lIfe. Unfortunately we have DESTROYED every single factor NECESSARY for a REAL human to have TOTAL Health in our today's society. We finally realized we needed to care for our OWN physical Health, but far more is necessary than Kale smoothie and yoga mindfulness. Without CONTRIBUTION security, and natural life ORDER, trust and hope also decay. Even those of us still with a Right THINKING brain become selfish and shallow when the STRESS just to SURVIVE takes over life. Are we unwilling to truly face how much the Founding Father's hopes and dreams for "WE the PEOPLE" have DECAYED?
The West has been declining since the beginning of our CONVENIENCE worship of the 50's. But with the Internet's mindless "DISRUPTION" all "order" systems in our society have COLLAPSED. Health, the PEOPLE's economy, "politics", Communication, TRUTH vs Law and Order .. no system serves us any longer. We an either continue to destroy civilization with thoughtless, heartless ACTION .. or RETHINK our behaviour and try a B.F. 2.0. ( B. F. ) The Founding Fathers spirt's are crying in disbelief at how their hard work and effort to create a more FAIR SYSTEM has ended up. If we stop the destruction we are creating below .. we may save REAL Humans from the Digital DYSTOPIA of zombies we have created. But URGENCY is utmost .. the END for REAL humans is VERY Near .. we will DIE very soon. Each one of us, still with a MIND and HEART, MUST ACT NOW. Boycott this system of "win/ lose" top down Power and Control of us SHEEP. DUMB-ocracy and greed capitalism is destroying HUMANITY. BOYCOTT it ALL today! Stop everything and go a new way .. bottom up "Win/Win" order! Like JFK said .. it means we must RESPECT all, take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and manage our many RESOURCES far better. Or .. you can stay in the $$ system that respects only $ more fatser and easier. REAL human like is HARD but way more fun TOGETHER than divided, demonized and SCREAMING
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Are you looking to unlock your creativity and unleash your inner artist? My creativity coaching services can help you tap into your creative potential and develop your artistic skills.
Sun. Feb 16, 2025, 5:30 pm.
Sun. Feb 16, 2025, 5:30 pm.
Sun. Feb 16, 2025, 5:30 pm.
Sun. Feb 16, 2025, 5:30 pm.
Sun. Feb 16, 2025, 5:30 pm.
Sat. Feb 22, 2025, 12:45 pm.
The 3/6/9 "ANSWER to EVERYTHING" is all the things we need for TOTAL Human Health. So let's see if even these can be NEGATIVE, making them a CONFUSING PARADOX! If we NEED these things for CIVILIZATION can they also be BAD?
1) All Dual = confusion and HARD work to find BEST VALUE for common/greater good.
2) All Connected is good AND bad, but usually good when done for the SPIRIT of good.
3) Find Moderation and BALANCE between = bad, HARD = GOOD! find TRUTH for FAIR
4) 3 T ..
5) 3 R ..
Sat. Feb 22, 2025, 2:00 pm.
see above section: All the factors fro Human health BAD .. is HARD WORK invested!
oH DEAR .. 😱 all the BAD is HARD work! Time, energy, patience to calculate REAL Human not $ VALUE and CREATE COMPROMISE. We who are STILL Human are probably DEAD VERY SOON. We LAZIED Humans out of existence! Do Not let those DAMN Selfish shallow ZOMBIES win! If we REAL humans stick together we can still create "HARD Heaven". But we have very little TIME Left .. and we may have to MURDER the zombies. Please join OUR side is you are only STRESSED to survive selfish and shallow. Listen and learn from our ideas and let's create TEMPLATES of our FAIR order system bottom up .. WIN /WIN. No more power and control TOP down. But are we ready to murder zombies? This is the LAST war. Unless we BOYCOTT the NONSENSE .. humans are ourselves DEAD. WAR is always STUPID. In this case the last war is purely self defence REAL Human aginst braindisabled ZOMBIES. They are devoid of MIND to think and HEART to feel Compassion for others! I have done my work .. now it is your choice to move this forward .. or not. NEW god! need disciples. I only work if there are those who agree and are willing to BOYCOTT zombies!
Mon. Feb 17, 2025, 5:30 pm.
INDIVIDUAL "freedom" does not EXIST! Go live alone in a forest .. WE do not want to live with selfish ego people. If you harm our water system WEWILL HAVE TO KILL YOU. That is what wars used to be about. Selfish becomes GREED and can not be part of a CIVIL society!
If you want to live in a SOCIETY that is there to help you when you need help .. you need to contribute to the COMMON and GREATER GOOD AT ALL TIMES. THEN .. when you are struggling you have a whole community helping you. We still do that in Bflo and I bet Phila! There are tons of GOOD people! But we hear only the SELFISH who want POWER and CONTROL in the media. Sorry .. but Individual freedom requires RESPONSIBILITY to the GROUP as BALANCE. AND THE GROUP is where the dual value calculation PENDULUM LANDS. We live in GRAY. If Responsibility is the black side then this DUAL GREY is CHARCOAL .. very dark!
I suggest if each person in our "church country" (those are ORDER Systems! the Bible was the first fake news .. a way to KEEP ORDER .. make us BEHAVE!) if each person is treated with RESPECT, VALUED and then asked to be responsible I believe they would all be GOOD Humans. We MAKE bad humans. Human who just keep losing thru no fault of their own GIVE UP. I bet if we just create every FAIR and decent like native NORMAL humans used to we would have a tribe of GOOD Humans. Everybody wants to be respected and valued .. Nobody wants to be hated for evil. (Whoops so then the evil in power really is DISABLED .. or psychotic. 🤔 )
I suggest we throw out disembodied government replacing it with ALL of us trying to MAKE THINGS WORK .. Together!! If we all ADD to our Human Stock exchange ALL the time, then when we are UNABLE it is now our time to TAKE. We now GET after we GAVE all the time. A new kind of insurance. (like me and D VP)
In our gated community .. those not yet putting in their FAIR hours get out and SHOVEL! Plus we help because then when we NEED help it is RECIPROCAL! It is a disaster out here? Why because we are so STUPID we think snow magically goes away so we do our SPECIAL desire.
Are you looking to unlock your creativity and unleash your inner artist? My creativity coaching services can help you tap into your creative potential and develop your artistic skills.
does this tell me if anybody ACTUALLY came? I have NOTHING to do with advertising etc. Feb 9, 2025 3:00 pm