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Mon. Feb. 24, 2025, 12:00pm.
Our Shallow, selfish CONSUMPTION and waste, with NO THOUGHT TO RESPECT and RESPONSIBLE, RESOURCE MANAGEMENT .. long ago destroyed our HUMAN Family, and Home. The only hope for us IS STOPPING our horrid greed and care less behaviour, and showing regret for our THOUGHTLESSNESS. There is the evil of greed, but the stupidity of sheep just following, is also pretty terrible behaviour! 🙈 If we STOPPED our nonsense WASTE of every known resource, and tried harder with great regret .. would the Creator pity us .. give us another chance? 😇 .. 👿
This is why I said "NEW G.O.D. need DISCIPLES!" I am G.O.D. Grouchy Old DICTATOR. Do as I say .. one Commandment of be "Just be FAIR, think of WE/US first!" Let's clone this g.o.d. ! Because only one SIMPLE Rule or Commandment can save us from EXTINCTION .. if we ALL FIRST show respect and RESPONSIBILITY for our HUMAN Family and Home. Please be a G.O.D. clone or disciple! .. or we REAL Humans DIE. Pass on this decades of work! What we have destroyed, is also the EXACT SOLUTION. We need to RESTORE NORMAL Natural Human ORDER .. a "FAIR Order System" where all contribute, but all also receive a basic, decent HUMAN life. You can have your 5 mansions yachts and jets, but FIRST nobody starves unsheltered! Get FAIR Certifed .. or we have to kill you. The LAST war .. REAL Humans .. in self defence against selfish shallow ZOMBIES, who are willing to extinct us for only profit and power.
Sun. Feb 23, 2025, 4:00 pm.
We have become sicker physically probably every year. But the toxins of our SELFISH, SHALLOW "progress" not only destroyed our HUMAN Home but our whole SYSTEM of order. The toxins of every type we created destroyed every part of our existence INCLUDING OUR BRAIN WIRING.
WE have gone STUPID! It is probably too late to rewire our brain STUCK in the SAME toxic soup. Left brain DOERS must LISTEN to right brain THINKERS .. or we REAL Humans die. We may have to send those refusing to LISTEN to BALANCE Think vs DO action .. to Mars! Or they spend their OWN wealth to build themselves and ASYLUM prison. Sorry or if we want Humanity to survive it will ahve to be the LAST War and they must be murdered. 😢 HEY!! They had a choice .. did we give any innocents in war a CHOICE? So why do we have to be nice to the aggressor! I guess because we are GOOD humans and they are DISABLED!
Unlike the insulting way of our life today .. the disgusting way people spit vitro; at each other .. not just lost civility but HUMANITY .. I am NOT beoing insulting. EWhen it comes to being able to ACT, get the job of selling done .. I think wharver little Left brain I had is GONE. I am stupid on steroids for DOING. But Trump people just do NOT think. Whiech is STUPID and has INSANE consequences. WE Thinkers csn certainly miss consequences and make mistakes! but at least we TRY to avoid mistakes as much as possible.
Trump/ Musks firing threats are creating great despair and panic in the country they SUPPOSEDLY love. IT is not the few they threaten but all their family and friends are living in anxiety. This is not a SMART way to run a country .. destroy their joy of life COMPLETELY.
but worse! there is far worse STUPIDITY! we just had 4 plane crashes in 10 days. One complaint was not enough air controllers or enough wanting to train because they often must work such long hours. What is trump doing a week later. firing thousands of Air traffic controllers. I suggest not only a sign of STUPID but really pretty INSANE! So let's loo at the WORST EVER TRAUMA .. Trump musk are causing .. they actually are TRULY INSANE. Who that has a BRAIN thinks demolishing a system like a developer BUILDING, but ACTUALLY run by people (gov't) is the EFFICIENT way to save money?? Pure INSANITY.
Let's be happy for this OPPORTUNITY. Trump and his people are showing us something is VERY wrong! Will people listen now!? .. Pay ATTENTION to our toxic "progress" having destroyed our thinking brain wiring? This is an EMERGENCY .. will we pay ATTENTION FINALLY?
Normal Humans had a BALANCED BRAIN. Our RIGHT Thinking Hemisphere questioned and contemplated solutions, and THEN our left ACTION brain managed the work needed. Thoughtless action only focused on Porift and power over decades has destroyed our RIGHT THINKING Brain Hemisphere. With only ACTION but no THOUGHTFUL consideration to causes and consequences only BANDAIDS RESULT. All our systems are now collapsing from ACTION Brains in power focused only on profit and never on the WE/ US .. our HUMAN Family and home. Short sighted (MY-opic) goals, with only simple, BINARY QUESTIONS (yes/no? good/bad?) and aggressive battle vs compromise with WE/US .. has caused the EXTINCTION of REAL Humans. Only Zombies will exist in their digital Dystopia. I suggest perhaps by Trump's 2028 .. Humans will be gone .. unable to withstand the stress on steroids of every factor of health being DESTROYED.
Dreamers want the best solution to problems .. best for ALL .. based on TRUTH and a FAIR calculation. We want solutions that are lasting and IMPROVE quality of life for all. That was the dream of the pioneers and Founding Fathers. Thier dream is gone and the despair this creates can not be withstood by THINKNG Real human. Action Doers with no right brain wiring have lost their MIND and "heart" making them THOUGHTLESS AND "HEARTLESS". They have no sensitivity to others or future consequences. Dreamers are on th Worrier spectrum unlike Left brain WARRIORS. They consider only Win LOSE in their focus to society. Without us THINKERS we lose Artsists musicians philosophers and humantarians. WE are left with oblivious beings caring for nothing but SELF.
Quality of Life or "happy" Healthy will NEVER be attained unless Humans can see there is ORDER and Hope because TRUTH and FAIRNESS are important in DAILY Life! Our life today is based on disease in every area imaginable. We are Finally worrying about the environment. Where was everybody in the 60's when we were already yelling? It took you 60 years? Too late .. now you also have lost the health of society, the economy and spiritual health as in calm and hope for positive possibility. Every aspect of our Health has decayed and real Human will die by addiction, suicide or in rage of mass murder. We can no longer withstand the mindless heartless zombie attacks.
This may have to be the LAST WAR. I was always very happy to MURDER evil .. but now we will have to decide if murdering brain DISABLED incapable of THINKING past the outer shell or skin of an onion beings. Real humans work THU the ONION to its heart thu all the But's and what abouts to find the BEST solution. Our lazy irresponsible shell vs skin DEMONIZING has destroyed humanity. gun, no gun screaming is STUPID and useless. It take s a new ACCOUNTING system of REAL human value. Each sides good and bad (WE/Us) Human VALUE must be carefully calculated. A society of convenience, fast and easy has destryed humanity. Unless we get TOGETHER and work FAST.
I can teach you mindfulness and meditation techniques to help you reduce stress, increase focus, and improve your overall well-being. Let's explore the benefits of mindfulness and meditation together.
I offer group coaching sessions for individuals who want to connect with others and achieve their goals together. Join a supportive community and transform your life with like-minded individuals.
Feb. 9, 2025, 1:30 pm..
It appears we have most lost our mind, got STUPID or INSANE. But hopefully it is just those SCREAMERS that make us FEEL the world is only chaos and confusion. If We THINKERS with a RIGHT brain hemisphere allowing us to THINK to ry to UNDERSTAND .. if we get together we can create a SANE garden amidst the screaming demonizing destruction. Please remind me to remember to focus on our LOCAL Community .. not the zombie world we have created by not STOPPING the SHEEP FOLLOWERS. The shepherds have led us to destruction. WE have to STEP out of the
Sat. Feb. 22, 2025, 9:30 pm.
EVERYTHING is both good AND bad, has BOTH negative and POSITIVE. I have become so enraged with the DAMAGE social and screens are doing to society I forget the AMAZING stuff we can do with this invention. EXTREME is always the KILLER. If we could BALANCE the use of everything in moderation it would really JUST be good. But we just get STUPID and go all EXCESS! So right now the DAMAGE phones are doing far outweighs any good! if we could dial back the insanity of our excess .. phone or the web would be amazing.
Hah we were so excited about having INFORMATION at our finger tips. All it has done is made us STUPID and the amount is overwhelming so we just GIVE UP! yup and get STUPID. We do not NEED INFOrmation .. we need human intelligence which means COLLECTING and CONNECTION to create INTELLIGENCE!
Sat. Feb 22, 2025, 9:30 pm.
Even information needs ORDER .. more like INTELLIGENCE .. stated TRUTH with FAIR connected facts.
Fri. Feb. 14, 2025, 8:30.
If a Pioneer needed a BARN .. everybody came together, and even made it a PARTY! We shared tools and time, expertise plus energy and got the job done while even having a good time!
The "Share society" of today? Entrepreneurship? What a total CON! Today we ACTUALLY share nothing! Air BnB and Uber are even MORE evil than old corporate greed. Uber gets most of the $$ with NO costs to incur, while lacking common sense "beings" .. take ALL the responsibility and losses! We sheep have LOST OUR MIND.
Sorry .. do you see why my life is HELL? Brain flies all over CONNECTING our DISORDER .. yet I live in a society that CONNECTS NOTHING, a society not even RECOGNIZING .. no ORDER exists!! The 10 inches of snow we got in skyscraper city shows us we are DISORDERED IN EVERY WAY. People do not even recognize this is NARURE, it will be hard for us to clean it up FAST. In a society of INSTANT .. BRAIN DEAD people grumble "Why is out not cleaned up"? SERIOUSLY?? 🤯 So when you VOTE .. you think you put some daddy in charge that magically makes all FAST and EASY. HMM .. that is exactly what is wrong!! We turned our BRAINS on INSTANT
Thurs, Feb 6, 2025, 8:00 pm.
"3/6/9 is the answer to EVERYTHING!" said Tesla, if we can find it. Unknowingly .. I did ..but only because I was lifetime OBSESSED with what we need for Total HUMAN Health. I will get to the parts needed for 3/6/9 TOTAL Human Health .. but for now maybe the most important point is the 2nd of the "3 triangle" .. DUALITY! EVERYTHING in life is DUAL .. both good, AND bad, right AND wrong! To make life easy we just grab the one that suits us best. Thinking carefully which side is MORE TRUE is hard work and we would get nothing productive done just thinking. Guess what I spent too much of my life thinking.
But I think I got mad when old that nobody LISTENED .. so just started yelling ONE SIDE .. no longer BOTH .. and! When we stay in BOTH .. and it is far easierc to get along with people. I am realizing I in recent years have ebgun to just jump on people who do not agree. It is TRUE .. I know BETTER than them because they took 30 seconds and I took 3 years! I damn well should HAVE A MORE CORRECT ANSWER. Everything is dual is #2 of the first 3/6/9 triangle but the last thing for a good HUMAN life is to CALCULATE the sides of the duality for its best VALUE to not harm and HELP most humans! So Life is really just an equilibrium of DUALITY! Life is a constant job of calculating the best of black/ white. Finding the grey is the hard part of just :GETTING ALONG". But we live in a fast easy world of convenience. Calculating the VALUE of each side is too complicated and requiring patience for our LAZY IRRESPONSIBLE society.
Yes, I think I have just discovered I MYSELF have become like the "trumpers" and "Wokers" I scream at! I grab one side of something AND QUIT THINKING. I am just as closed minded as all the people I hate. I hate pretty much everybody .. don't worry. Which is a complete lie TOO, because I go out every day talking to many strangers and I LOVE PEOPLE. So there we are .. DUAL AGAIN. People are awesome! AND .. People are HORRIBLE. But it is so much easier when you realize Trampers just GRAB a fastanswer. They are actually incapable of going thru all those onion layers of life to get to heart of the problem. Finally facing they are not evil .. just DISABLED (as we Right brain Thinkers are far immediate FAST ACTION! They are Warriors and asking them not to be is like asking us Right brains NOT TO WORRY. WE are WIRED to wrry just as they are wired to Get tow job done!
Life is a BALANCE .. an equilibrium. YES! people, "STUPID, Selfish screamers" especially, can be horrible! 👿 But they can be amazingly wonderful HUMANS too! 😇 That is so weird .. when I am in Toronto I ONLY FOCUS on the HORRIBLE. All my 24 website's have been screaming how horrible we are .. losing our humanity. It is very true we are, but now that I see Trump (and my family) as DISABLED Right brain HUMANS .. life is so much EASIER than when I just saw SELFISH SHALLOW people as heading toward EVIL, and now zombies. That is still true.. but I think I could NOT comprehend how STUPID shallow brain people really ARE DISABLED and need empathy. I think I was angry because they never gave us empathy .. just called us mentally ill?
If a problem is an onion, Left brain people just grab the shells, the crackle (for Republicans) and the elastic skin (for WOKE shallow). Us quiet Right brain Thinkers want to know exactly how RIGT or how WRONG .. or HOW bad or good something is. For that you must go through all the onto layers to get to its heart.
WHOA!! Cool! I think I finally undersatnd. WE are trapped in the DUAL onion skins! We scream and demonize the other .. abortion no abortion, no gun, gun. We are stupid because our brains got fried by sugar, screens, and stress the S 3 cancer. NORMAL calm HUMANS used to sit around a fire and DISCUSS why a gun is good or abortion is bad. When you discuss you calculate the VALUE of each and find the best solution in a CIVIL Manner! We just scream and demmonize too stypid to calculate. The only value we know is $ and time! We need a new HUMAN Value accounting system.
Thurs. Feb. 6, 2025, 9:00 pm.
This was wonderful advice 15 years ago re being sad my kids would never see the life of their childhood with their own family. I felt so sad and guilty, but what could I do about it? ZERO .. I was simply wasting my energy.
BUT!! .. Is that what everybody said and we all just let it go? NO Take responsibility .. DO SOMETHING! So damn it I became more and more obsessed to build a better system better jobs better sharing of human intelligence ..
BUT .. I forget to keep going one must take breaks to just BREATHE and be calm. So you take the other said of the duality and USE its advantage. But I think why I want people to listen to me is because after much study "don't think about it is where we should be like 20 or 30% of our time &0 or 80 % of our time we should THINKNG about what is wrong and dreaming and designing WAYS TO FIX IT.
And that is why I have hated left brains! But they are simply trying to survive the onslaught of ideas they can NOT comprehend! I learned about the "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!" K.I. S. S. Principle 30!!! years ago for dealing with managers to sell stuff!! And we have had 30 years to lose MORE of our brain wiring. Left brin magers already had less thinking inventing wiring. OMG I am such and idiot. THANK YOU TRUMP!! I think I finally can better get on with my daughter. I really must have seemed evil .. throwing all those ideas at her .. not realizing to her they were ? weapons beinf WARIOR in character? If we could just BALANCE the MOdERATION of duality we could all get along. We have to find the right balance like "just don't think about it!" I now just get enraged when I hear people say that That is WRONG!!
I provide leadership coaching to help you become a more effective and inspiring leader. We will work on your communication skills, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking to help you achieve your leadership goals.
move to goals!
does this tell me if anybody ACTUALLY came? I have NOTHING to do with advertising etc. Feb 9, 2025 3:00 pm