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Mon. Feb. 24, 2025, 7:30 pm.
If we ALL had a functioning BRAIN (Right Thinking hemisphere?) Like THIS MAN .. Life would be still HARD .. but YET awesome! Dr re. Shooter in PA Hospital.
"I spoke with the very man who did this act, interacting with him multiple days. I was there when we delivered the worst news imaginable to him—that his loved one was gone. I saw his devastation firsthand. In that moment, I truly did not see a monster. He was simply broken. [Just the day prior, my colleague and I shared our own personal memories of experience of loss with this man. We developed a human connection as he showed us pictures of his loved one, an engagement gift of a beautiful pink and white necklace and watch, which I thanked him for sharing and he thanked me for sharing mine.] ?? where is the part of how understaffed and unable to give this compassion I heard on NBC national ?
I would have never imagined or expected him to do something like this. But grief, exhaustion, isolation, and a lack of mental health and social support services create cracks that people fall through. And when they do, the consequences can be catastrophic."
This was the shooter's wife's DR (she died). Now if we ALL thought like this man with empathy and compassion we would be living in a very different society. All would feel connected and belonging and not so alone and unvalued. Strangely this left out part .. on NBC he discussed rather what Luigi was shooting about .. the injustice of lack of REAL care. This Dr described so well the understaffed overstressed inability to STOP and show HUMAN compassion.
here ..
"Lester Mendoza also spoke of the stressors of being expected to provide limitless care with limited resources, and how doing so ultimately fails patients.
"Burnout isn’t just a buzzword — it’s the slow erosion of our ability to feel, to connect, to care the way we once did. The longer we are stretched thin, the more we risk becoming numb, jaded, and detached — not because we don’t care, but because we are drowning."
He also thanked fallen officer Andrew Duarte for his sacrifice that prevented additional losses and police for responding to the incident "when things were too far gone."
"We are all suffering. And if we continuously ignore it, and accept it as the normal, there will be no positive growth or change," said Mendoza.
His full post on Facebook can be read here.
We need this man leading our belonging and connection department! WE can use the web for GOOD, yet we focus on REAL local Human to Human connection. Lester Mendoza just shares and teaches us his EXPERTISE on our connected HUMANS web site.. Imagine if we ALL did that!? Share and TRADE our expertise Talent area with our HUMAN Family and home LOCAL place!? Our Human Stock market Exchange would INCREASE everyday .. and NEVER crash!
Thurs. Feb. 20, 2025, 7:30 pm.
sugar plastics ..
EMF's .. search inattention, screen oblivion, social
stress, isolation, lost connection and belonging ..the worst, as we see above!
Mental Illness was always a PHYSICAL problem .. just the same as any disease! A dysfunction of some neurons? enzymes? genes? in the Brain like all disease. BUT STIGMATIZING was a good way to get rid of us. I suggest Right brains are the mentally ill ?.. because we question and see all the problems that should be fixed. Our despair and anger at being dismissed is the depression and panic.
Our Brain is EVERYTHING. Our brain is our MIND and "HEART", our THINKING and FEELING probably located in our Right Hemisphere. The toxins of our thoughtless MY-opic "progress" first caused inflammation and its resultant physical disease. 🤔 A great way to profit first with processed food .. and THEN with the disease drugs needed! WE paid no attention to the warnings given about processed food, and became the sickest? nation on earth. Meantime our brains were being chemically destroyed, To add insult to injury, the thoughtless society of convenience CONSUMPTION we created, also destroyed our brain through its STRESS on STEROIDS. It seems Right Brain THINKING wiring is more sensitive. So many today ACT using the Left brain without THINKING FIRST. They simply demonize and SCREAM at the other instead of LISTENING and LEARNING. NORMAL thinking balanced brain HUMANS DISCUSS opposing ideas. But we have lost ALL CIVILITY. Civilization begins with the world CIVIL. Not only have we lost all civility .. we have lost our HUMANITY.
.Right hem THINKS, then Left acts. At least in a NORMAL BALANCED BRAIN Human!
Many other character types are similar but caused by other physical components like enzymes, genes, chemicals.
Past web site References to my daughter need EDITING! poor girl probably is opposite Spectrum end to myself in ALL these categories .. and my character is NOT good for motherhood. I must have disappointed here in every way always in the WE/US big picture focus .. seldom focused on "ME/ MINE"
The characters above create a "being" that is selfish and shallow on a spectrum to STUPID! and GREEDY with no thought to harm being done. Is it possible Trumpers are not EVIL ..but with a DISABLED Right brain unable to SEE the harm they do?
see image
If we are kind caring humans in a community life will always be abetter. I suggest those sitting on the city tenement steps in the DEPRESSION, sharing one bathroom and 2 bedrooms in a family of 6 (with no yard to play in) ACTUALLY had a better life than we do! They were connected to neighbours and shared the little that we had. Who would help us today? no one! we are DISCONNECTED from neighbours and people on the street. The phone in our face has made young people unable to even say hello or smile. Think about it! I would take the temm=nemet steps any day over our disconnected RUDE society of zombies any day. I think Toronto is way worse off because red path sugar is in the air and water and people are mean without their right brain.
we will build a FAIR society based first on truth and then calculating the VALUE of dual
Binary "yes! no!" SIMPLIFIES Life .. and is LAZY! Things are "BOTH .. and .. "! Deciding which is best is HARD and time-consuming. It requires calculating the best value of BOTH sides. Life is DUAL or GREY Not black and white!
does this tell me if anybody ACTUALLY came? I have NOTHING to do with advertising etc. Feb 9, 2025 3:00 pm