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Thurs. Feb. 20, 2025, 8:30 am.
Each individual HUMAN makes up our shared HUMANITY. Our society is made up of ME, each of us TOGETHER. But .. if ME only focuses on ME it is no longer a liveable society. Civilization is made up from the word "CIVIL"! 20 years ago we had lost our manners, but then we began losing CIVILITY. Today we are on the verge of losing our HUMANITY .. HUMANS looking out for each other TOGETHER.
For almost 70 years I have questioned our addction to sugar. It DEFINITELY has 56 names hidden in everything and inflames our body. An inflamed body is profitable in SOOO many ways from HealthCARE to BANKING. But I did not pay enough ATTENTION to my constant yelling. "Why are we so stupid?" I myself am stupid, with the ACTION part of Life .. spending time only pondering questions, looking for answers. The answer to why we are STUPID, with no longer BALANCED THINK/ACT brains, is that HIDDEN SUGAR also FRIES BRAINS! But 60 years later we have not yet faced our physical ills are caused by processed food .. probably too late to save us from the BRAIN DEstrcution. A HUMAN is his BRAIN .. his MIND and "heart". We have lost the Right brain wiring that holds our HUMAN spirit. "Me, Money, and MORE" is not a HUMAN focus and destroys our HUMANITY and CIVILization..
Half of us have a DISABLED THINK FIRST Right hemisphere. Luckily the proof is that cities with SUGAR refining in their downtown have very flawed Order Systems. Toronto and Buffalo do not have SMART Management Systems. Philadelphia has no Sugar factory, and was immidiatelt ready to benefit from my early work! Unfortunately it would have lessened profits in the incarceration industry and my success was short lived. Nothing has the aim the founding fathers hoped for. An ORDER SYSTEM by and FOR "we the people". We never Listened to JFK "Ask not" and we QUIT any responsibility to make the country the GOOD we wanted. Some of us did TRY .. but the ACTION Minds always cut us off. Now we live in the insanity the mindless thoughtless ACTION created.
Fri. Feb. 21, 2025, 7:15 am.
The world is made up of 2 types of people and a SPECTRUM between. When either our Left or Right Hemisphere wiring is MORE present, we become either a DREAMER (Right brain Thinker) or a DOER (Left brain action). Obviously DOERS run the world with their quick action for the SELF. Dreamers think more of the "WE/US" Life Ledgers looking for "WIN /WIN" vs "Win/lose" outcomes. But now our UNHEALTHY SOCIETY has gone much too far EXTREME. We no longer Listen to each other's ideas, only DEMONIZING. Our collapse is IMMINENT. You can ignore in oblivion .. but it WILL HAPPENED.
Unless we QUICKLY try a NEW ORDER SYSTEM, this selfish, shallow, win/lose (Left Brain) behaviour .. WILL destroy Civilization. McGilchrist Please read. Unless we start to LISTEN and LEARN .. REAL Humans are DEAD. Only ZOMBIES in Digital Dystopia will remain. To SURVIVE as a HUMAN .. stop! READ McGilchrist! to UNDERSTAND collapse.
50 years ago, most of us were still BALANCED BRAIN. We would Think and only THEN act .. as is NORMAL HUMAN behaviour. Acting with no thought to CONSEQUENCE is NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR! Toxins have fried our Brain WIRING! Even 25 years ago, the DOERS (LB) could listen to inventive DREAMER inventors. Dreamers (RB) could communicate for building a Management partnership of opposite skills.
But with the invention of the internet, Humans became totally DISCONNECTED from each other. Shallow Entrepreneurs wanted to make fast $. Management went their own way, no longer listening to inventive visionaries with BIG SOLUTIONS. A small "Entrepreneurial solution" gaining quick Profit, Power or Prestige, became the way of life. But now all the BANDAIDS of our SMALL MINDED $ focus, are falling off. The WOUNDS beneath the bandaid "solutions" have now festered to infection. Our Infected "systems" are TERMINAL, and need a redo back to "WE the PEOPLE" winning. If some REAL HUMAN Companies still remain, willing to try the NORMAL "FAIR" HUMAN WAY, we may still be able to save the EXTINCTION of Humanity.
The Trump "government " is a perfect example of DOER mindsets. If you are a Thinker dreamer you are so horrified one month after a TYRANT took over your country .. you are probably thinking SUICIDE is better than SLOW DEATH we face. Life is THINKING BEFORE Acting. ONLY Balanced brain humans can survive. Those Doers (LB) who act without thinking are only ZOMBIES .."beings" DISABLED from REAL Human. They WILL survive for a time in the Digital Dystopia they created. I suggest REAL humans will only be able to withstand this chaos and confusion of "the SELF gone mad" Power structure for a year or 2. We will kill ourselves or others .. a H bomb waiting to explode. A Human Time Bomb created by the toxins of "progress" we now live in. Thinking of only WIN/LOSE for power prodit and prestige can only destroy HUMANITY. And that Time bomb is about to explode. Zombie life without Dramer inventor visionary HUMANS will NOT be worth living. But when you BRAIN can ONLY see $$$ and not the damage you are doing .. you are too STUPID to realize. We think it is us and THEM .. the evil. I suggest THEY (The Power Control structure) have lost their MIND and "Heart" in their Right brain Hemisphere. THEY are not eveil but actually DISABLED. We will have to decide if we wage the LAST WAR .. or DIE.
But First if NORMAL Humans are still the masses? .. we could rebuild the dream of the Founding Fathers TOGETHER. A WIN WIN System for "WE the People", a system where we WORK HARD to find the FAIR.
Mon. Mar 10, 2025, 8:15 pm.
Would Mr Franklin be happy at our education system? I suggest NO! NOT at ALL!" .. or at least as a Teacher myself I like the SYSTEM less and less eery year, and especially once I learned about REAL Life .. the "Economy", Business , Marketing, Health, Politics, I actually knew once OUT of the system we were NOT getting the most important things for life. Had it really become a SYSTEM to KEEP us stupid? I think "THEY" those I power just began to think special EXPERTISE was most important. They probably had no clue dividing everything .. DISCONNECTING ., it would destroy EVERYTHING. Years ago I began thinking my DESTROYED Home Economics discipline should be revived but for the HUMAN Family and HOME. I probably hated education since 1985? when they REMOVED Home Economics. To me it was the MOST Important course because it was about "getting along" in and managing your home and RESOURCES. What is more iportant than that? But if we are all divorced and not getting along .. the job of keeping power and control would be much easier. A stable secure family can REVOLT more easily than fractured women's Lib screamers alienating men. When men are against women (understandably) there is less problem for the control system to be called out. Society full of stress makes it hard to organize a REVOLUTION. Will we do that? Nah .. we have becoe too lazy and IRRESPONSIBLE. I think mr Franklin is HORRIFIED at what we have done to the F ounding fathers HARD efforts to create a good system.
"We the people" became only "THINGS" for profit in the late 50's. Turning us into CONSUMERS was for their benefit NOT ours! The sugar cereal then and more TV dinners and drive ins addicted us to their sugar infused tricks. Did they know THEN sugar made us sick they inflaming our problem areas? We actually have a very large SICKNESS industry. I live in a NURSING home 👿 (a cheat CON job🤬 !) I am the TEENAGER HERE! Guess how many prescriptions these old people have ? some have 9!!!!!! That is EVIL. Purdue pharm owners were interevied on 60 min CBS last nite. I want to Luigi them. But that would be stupid .. half the country now behaves like those HORRID "beings" . They are not human! They feel NO RESPONSIBILITY. There was a WARNING on the label .. your fault if you do not read .. and FOLLOW. So Sorry if some of us have less will power than PERFECT YOU. A HUMAN has empathy. Yes! Absolutely .. we need to be more RESPONSIBLE and have more will power and less addiction. BUT .. it is us KIND Caring people who are the more easily addicted. Left brain Warriors only batte .. DOERS. We r Brain THINKERS have less will power and self control because we are REAL HUMANS. A ZOMBIE that has no feeling and simply acts for the MOST profit with NO CARE of harm is just a BEING not human .. and heading to ZOMBIE.
WE need to FIX EDUCATION and all the other parts of our collapsing FRACTURED systems. Let's do B.F. 2.0! Let's create an ORDER SYSTEM based on HUMAN, not $ ACCOUNTING. If we make the whole basis, the central CONNECTOR = TOTAL Human Health everything will work far better. I think the Founding Fathers were trying to build a SYSTEM for basic QUALITY of LIFE for all. Fine for you to get filthy rich .. but NOT by destroying the human Family or our human HOME. NO HARM allowed and don't pretend socialism is some eveil thing. I think it was a FAIR thing the religious right hikacked to be evil and taking away rights. The only RIGHT and FREEDOM we have is to be a DECENT FAIR Human being. But over the decades of the 1900's, we began to think we were SPECIAL and NORMAL HUMAN BEHAVIOUR was not something we needed to adhere to. Or Disregard and DISRESPECT now has our only HOME collapsing. But it will take daily CONSERVATION and respect to save us from our imminent COLLAPSE. Do we have the self DISCIPLINE to sacrifice the stupid products we do NOT need? .. especially most digital .. or at least PUT DOWN THAT PHONE THAT IS DESTROYING HUMANITY. A I will 100% be the END of us. We have NO concept of MODERATION! B F (we will do version 2.0) please read to see our HISTORY.
I can teach you mindfulness and meditation techniques to help you reduce stress, increase focus, and improve your overall well-being. Let's explore the benefits of mindfulness and meditation together.
I offer group coaching sessions for individuals who want to connect with others and achieve their goals together. Join a supportive community and transform your life with like-minded individuals.
Tues. Feb 11, 2025, 9:30 am.
Excuse me! I collected .. to turn to into "The theory of EVERYTHING .. human health" or Tesla's 3/6/9. It restores your futurue and Quality of life! Do you think that was easy to collect a library of knowledge into one OLD brain? Please help me make it more clear and concise. Some of you study WRITING. Writing and organizing newly CONNECTED ideas is damn HARD. Everything connects with everything so I am ALL over the place. Please help make it a SKELTON, a formula or RECIPE anyone can follow and REPLICATE. We will start the UN franchise of COLLECTED knowledge and expertise! A UN Franchise of share traded HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. We STUPIDLY gave our intelligence to computers! HUMANS are the ones who CONNECT all things. We have a MIND and "HEART" which 0 and 1 will NEVER have.
We have given away our human. It has destroyed your quality of life. Please help me bring it back with EACH of your unique expertise and talent. Connected .. we can save humans from Extinction. Disconnected people and ideas .. we die .. leaving only zombies to roam digital dystopia for a short time. Let's WAKE UP and TOGETHER take RESPONSIBILITY for our HUMAN Family and home. Separate and "special" we lazily demonize and it will be our LAST sickness. We are now SICK in so many ways! Unless we re pioneer and REPLACE DUMBOCRACY and greed capitalism with RESOCRACY .. we will DIE. Together let's RESpect, be RESponsible to manger all the RESources of our HUMAN Family! We create a FAIR order system that calculates the VALUE of Far more than money. We have become too lazy and irresistible to SURVIVE. We can only survive with BETTER quality of life disagreeing self and special .. replaced by we/ us FAIR .. a WIN WIN System. Please help perfect what is ready as a foundation.
Sat. Feb. 8, 2025, 5:30 pm.
We have gone OFF track with EVERYTHING! American has completely lost its way. There is no more creativity or INVENTION because everything is simplified to "yes/ no"! Most things are YES .. and or NO and. there is always a BUT. REAL TRUTH is complicated. But we want easy and fast. That attitude has destroyed EVERYTHING! Every single SMART thing the Founding Fathers did has been taken STUPUD. Excess and extreme always ruin everything. Certainly not THINKING before acting .. so TRUTH and FAIR can be found is INSANE (Stupid on STEROIDS). We do not think because if there is PROFIT, power or PRESTIGE to be had who cares about time to think FAIR (Harm being done) That is a MASSIVE STUPID way to turn a country.
Contem[laying what I just said .. has really hit my mind! I agonized for a long lifetime are THEY .. evil? or just STUPID! Especially the way politicians etc are now acting .. we are so stupid we are insane. NOTHING is yes no good bad right wrong! "FACTS" can be mutilated, twisted into lies! .. especially when one is DISABLED from thinking! The ONLY way HUMANS survive another few years, is if U PENN looks into the destructio of our brain! I thought we were stupid in the 50's drinking COKE .. OMG it is so so much worse. I bet I was right the TOXINS have destroyed our BRAIN .. especially the Right THINKING Hemisphere.
Sat. Feb. 8, 2025, 7:15 pm
Be a disciple (spreader) of the REAL GOD movement. Not warring Religion but a REAL God movement .. the GOD of REAL HUmans ready for the 3 R's and the # T's to find FAIR ad be decent and caring of all. Instead of division in EVERYTHING, DISCONNECT of all, to demonization .. we need to connect with our HUAMAN Family and home. Instead of the god of "Fast, and Easy, ME! and MORE! " we need FAIR for all .. TOTAL Human Health, and better quality of life for all. "We the people" is BROKEN.
we went from a SPIRIT of why not? to completely forgetting even "WHY? What caused this problem?" To the simplicity of "YES .. no!" With a focus on only "progress" for PROFIT, POWER or prestige this closed mind attention has destroyed civilization. Former plastics are in the drinking water of Icelandic children!! Never mind that we have almost a teaspoon of plastic shards in our BRAIN! No wonder we are super STUPID! Thinkers warned about these TOXINS but DOERS just went ahead with NO THOUGHT or care of harm being done! If it sells more .. to hell with the Human Family and their home. (THEY got stupid on STEROIDS because it is ALSO their HOME and with us sick and only sheep life is not of good quality!
Sat. Feb 8, 2025, 7:45 pm.
Even in the early 60's we had meat potatoes and vegetables .. NOT EVEN A GARNISH! I wanted food to be ART, nutritious but also beautiful so I ate in Diners where they added a tomato slice or parsley. Can you imagine us being GRATEFUL for such poor people fare? We are BAD humans .. greedy and lazy .. too lazy to take responsibility for our BAD choices of excess and extreme. We have a shallow competitive spirit instead of one of INVENTION the pioneers came with. If you want to re-invent the SYSTEM Ben Franklin developed with the Founding Fathers please join our REVOLUTION. We repiner without the laziness of quitting after voting! What yes/no choices for DADDY who will look after us? NO we have to take responsibility for our ORDER SYSTEM with far more than a "vote" every 4 years. The F F mever DREAMED we would be so LAZY and irresponsible. IF you are ready to go back to what the pioneers were trying to build .. a better life for all let's build a new system of respect and responsibility for managing ALL our many RESOURCES (not just simple $ !!)
The "selfish, Shallow COMPETITIVE spirit" has to go! The REAL SOUL of AMERICA, Inventive, FAIR and DECENT can return with our PERSONAL effort! FAIR is hard, but it beats the collapse of CIVILIZATION! FAIR requires TRUTH, so opposing sides can be BALANCED in moderation.We can CONNECT for the common and greater good and compromise. OR .. we continue selfish shallow extreme focused only on PROFIT, and HUMANS Die .. leaving only zombies in digital DYSTOPIA. America's soul is gone .. let's restore it with the last revolution. REAL Humans vs Zombies unaware of harm to the HUMAN Family and home. The other choice? extinction of humanity .. with A I by 2030?
Sun. Feb. 16, 2025, 1:00 pm
REMOVING THIS FORMULA (3/6/9, MY 🤬 discovery of Tesla's "The answer to everything") FROM OUR LIVES, is DESTROYING HUMANS. We ALL DIE now!
To be fully HEALTHY and vibrant, we need far more than ridding our body of gluten, doing yoga and running. 🙈 How can we be healthy in a society of rude, lazy irresponsible "beings" focused only on "me!mine, here, now!" ?? With tons of snow and no clearing there was a footpath to get my coffee. I must have stepped aside to let others past 10 or 12 times. 1 Human smiled and 2 said "Thank you!" WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT SAY ABOUT OUR SOCIETY??? Those people are RUDE .. selfish or too stupid (UNAWARE) to be human. We lost our manners about 15 years ago, then it was our civility and now we are no longer even HUMAN. We are too many of us ZOMBIES ambling about our digital DYSTOPIA.
Only a RETURN to the formula that crates TOTAL Human Health can save us from EXTINCTION. REAL Humans will commit suiced, escape by addiction OR mass murder finnally so enraged at stupidity and injustice. The H bomb is coming. a HUMAN Time bomb is about to explode. Using the 3/6/9 formula needed for a HUMAN society we could create a NEW Order system. But only if we sacrifice to SIMPLE life working TOGETHER sharing our HUMAN Intelligence. WE may have to murder the zombies. (why is it ok to kill innocents in war .. but disabled that are destroying civilization and humans .. now I am a terrorist?? I never did get the world!
The formula .. 3= all is connected, dual and requires calm, careful, VALUE calculation.
6 3R respect, responsible, and resource man. 3T think! to find TRUTH so we can TRUST
9 factors required for TOTAL Human Health
Nothing ever made sense to me .. everything seemed STUPID, because it never worked toward a REAL SOLUTION of success. As a kid I began thinkng we are destroying our bodies drinking brown SUGAR water when thirsty. Now of course it has actually affected our BRAIN .. fired the right brain THINKING wiring? The Right brain wants to UNDERSTAND! The Left brain just uses which seems about right in a society of CONSUMPTION with no RESPECT or feeling of RESPONSIBILITY. But what made the LEAST sense was how I could feel such WAR with my own birth daughter. I have always wondered how we could pretty much hate each other .. so NOT NORMAL. About a decade ago it got so bad I began to SERIOUSLY research what could cause it.
When I found McGilchrists's "Left brains are destroying Civilization" (with mindless heartless action devoid of FIRST THINKING) I got a bit obsessed with it. So my old websites definitely need adjustment. Today I realize it is a CHARACTER SOUP (Spectrum) of Life factors that makes us focus on doing vs dreaming. I need to research for more perfection but here are the basics of what makes us WHO we are.
If a person has ALL these things in their NATURE or PHYSICAL MAKE UP they will be WARRIORS and attack without ever thinking deeper! Just watch all the trumpets. But we must remember this is a SPECTRUM. There are Trump supporters I can actually TALK TO .. to discuss listen and LEARN from each other. The ONLY way we can survive. Sadly my daughter will listen to NOTHING I say .. even if I said "there is a bomb about to explode here, unless we detonate it together." She would listen and HEAR Nothing. dead all nearby. Hopefully most people are not so FAR warrior.
DISCONNECT of ALL THINGS = our COLLAPSE! The things above explain our current DIVISION! Our LAZY (Disabled from THINKING deeper) DEMONIZATION of "the other".
All things CONNECT in NORMAL times. CONNECTION = the NATURAL of HUMAN EXISTENCE. People, ideas, thins and Systems .. all must connect to have a REAL truly successful society.
The above research should have been CONNECTED!! But we are focused only on "special" to the detriment of HUMAN. Humans are all the same .. connected together and when our IDEAS are .. the Human FAMILY and HOME work! These 5 DIFFERENT RESEARCH FOCUSES are SEPARATED, never CONNECTED! But CONNECTED they explain everything. Do you see why we are STUPID? Intelligence comes from CONNECTING divergent ideas! it is how we find causes and consequences of a solution before it destroys the world! I always said if I could find why my daughter and I BATTLE we could then work to stop WARS because we UNDERSTAND. Sadly since Left brains will NOT LISTEN and LEARN .. this must be the LAST WAR. REAL Humans against ZOMBIES. If you are stressed selfish and shallow please join us. it is the beginning of the spectrum to ZOMBIE. Jus LISTEN and LEARN do as we say. Hence I am G.O. D (GROUCHY OLD Dictator) and I need disciples to spread the FAIR order SYSTEM! 😈
sugar plastics in our air and water created the left brain warrior. 50 years of processed food more and more.
DUMB??!! Voting every 4 years gets you a daddy that cares about "we the people". We boomers were so naive. you young people should have a war aginst our selfish SHEEP behaviour that destroyed your possibilities. At least add a SURCHARGE for seniors! .. no senior discount. We stood from your world and now we get a discount??
Focus only on "progress" for PROFIT (power? prestige?) has destroyed every factor of TOTAL Human HEALTH ..
Careers in
My kids say want others to do the work. Yes because I am a DREAMER and designer! Designing plans for better living is my skill. Now others add their individual skills and we live BETTER TOGETHER .. as HUMANS again working in a shared common and greater good COMMUNITY. The self screeens and stress have almost extincted humanity. Let stsop our extinction and save the last of REAL HUMANS whopper about others. Real Human MORE INTERESTED in doing NO HARM to the human FAMILY and HOME than the "self/ freedom" culture we went to sleep in. There is no. freedom unless you exist alone in the wilderness. Unless common and greater good comes FIRST every civilization COLLAPSES. We only have until A I destrys the ned for us in simple minds with POWER and control.
does this tell me if anybody ACTUALLY came? I have NOTHING to do with advertising etc. Feb 9, 2025 3:00 pm